Commercial Diving Services ®
Since 1955


Ship In-Water Services

Cleaning and maintenance for your ship performed underwater, on-site

Comprehensive range of professional ship in-water services including in-water class surveyshull inspectionsNZ MPI inspectionsbio securityhull cleaningpropeller polishinganchor and chain maintenanceship maintenance, and salvage.

Approved ship in-water class surveys for all ship class societies performed by
Custom ship underwater hull inspections performed by experienced and class certified commercial
Underwater ship propeller polishing using the Scotchbrite 3M system resulting in a
Ship anchor and chain maintenance, repairs and inspections. Underwater salvage and recovery
Ship bio security inspections for ship hulls and other marine vectors of
New Zealand Ship MPI Inspections for vessels planning to visit New Zealand

Other Diving Services

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Inland Diving Services

Extensive inshore diving services for dams and reservoirspower stationspotable waterpipelinesbridgeswharves and other infrastructure. Services include commercial diver and remote operated vehicle inspections, construction, maintenance and salvage.

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Underwater Maintenance & Construction

Our certified commercial divers are experts in all aspects of underwater maintenance and construction including thermal cuttingweldingdrilling and core samplingconcreting, high pressure water blasting and sacrificial anode installation.

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Specialised Services

Unique capabilities and specialised services above and below the waterline, including Crane Services, Underwater Inspections with high quality photo and video, Remote Operated Vehicles, Marine Salvage, Non-Destructive Testing and Deep Diving.

