Commercial Diving Services ®
Since 1955


Workplace Health and Safety Policy


Commercial Diving Services Pty Ltd is committed to the health, safety and welfare of its employees and anyone else that may be affected through its organisational activities by providing a risk management framework to control the hazards and risks in the workplace. We recognise that the health, safety and well being of workers are critical to success and to the continued good reputation of Commercial Diving Services Pty Ltd.


Our safety aims include:

  • Compliance with:
    • AS/NZS 4801 Occupational Health and Safety Systems;
    • Safety requirements as specified in AS/NZS 2299.1.2015 Occupational diving operations;
  • All relevant statutory and regulatory requirements and codes of practice;
  • Ensuring safety and risk management procedures are available and adhered to;
  • Promoting open, honest, effective and timely safety communication, consultation and coordination with stakeholders (including employees and any other party involved in or affected by Commercial Diving Services activities);
  • Providing ongoing safety education and training to all of our employees;
  • Confirming all employees are competent and sufficiently knowledgeable to perform their duties in a safe and productive manner;
  • Ensuring incidents are reported investigated and reviewed by management with a view to preventing recurrence;
  • Providing adequate resources to ensure work health safety is a central part of the organisation;
  • Ensuring effective injury management and rehabilitation is provided to employees;
  • Establishing measurable objectives and targets to ensure continued improvement aimed at elimination of work-related injury and illness; and
  • Continually improving the safety system.

