Commercial Diving Services ®
Since 1955


Ship Anchor Maintenance

Ship anchor maintenance and class inspections are a requirement for vessel operations. Commercial Diving Services can provide efficient surface support equipment consisting of road transportable modular barges that are capable of supporting anchor and chain during the inspection and maintenance process. Our work vessels can also provide assistance with replacement or servicing of main anchor and chain. Having expert experience in ship anchor maintenance and inspection services you can be assured of our professionalism and safety.

Ship Anchor Salvage

Commercial Diving Services can locate lost anchor and assist in recovery through the use of commercial diver operations or ROV. With our state of the art GPS & structure scanning equipment on board of our purpose built dive boats the tracking and finding of objects on the sea bed floor have become much easier.

Our advanced ROV equipment have the capacity of diving to depths greater than 200m and can mitigate the need for divers in some circumstances. Though if required our qualified commercial divers can assist in the off shore recovery process.

Commercially viable salvage of the lost anchor and chain is very much dependant on water depth and vessel’s schedule as often the anchor and chain is lost during heavy sea conditions which take some period of time to abate before a salvage attempt can be made. Often the vessel may only be visiting the salvage location once and in this case a salvage attempt may not be possible due to time constraints. The salvage becomes more commercially viable if the vessel periodically returns to the salvage location port so the salvage can in the meantime be underway in anticipation of the vessels next return.

In order to start a salvage operation we first require two accurate GPS locations of the vessel bow and the anchor drop point along with accurate water depth.

Our Services

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