We specialise in underwater core sampling into various structures and surfaces including road and rail bridge structures and other underwater structures. We can core into materials of concrete or steel. These cores are generally taken using our range of diamond coring tubes for steel and concrete and vibra coring device for sub seas or river bed undisturbed sedimentation core recovery.
Metal and Concrete
Our diamond coring tubes of various diameters and lengths enable us to core into most metal structures to gain a specific located core sample to be later analysed at the client’s nominated laboratory. Our coring system is generally hydraulic but can be air operated if required.
In all cases after the core samples have been taken it is standard practice for the core hole to be filled with a client nominated epoxy to reduce future corrosion issues caused from the core sample investigation. And where it is possible for the client to indicate an exact location where the core may be taken on concrete to avoid drilling through the reinforced steel, this is a desired approach.
Vibracoring is the method of which the sampler is vibrated to allow penetration into the sea or river bed. Again, the physical strength of the subject material limits the size of core that can be retrieved.
There are various reasons why Vibra coring of sub-sea and river beds sediments are required and they can relate to the investigation of heavy metal accumulation and environmental reasons which may have relevance regarding future dredging and removal of these sediments and also in a construction sense the Vibra coring may be required for determination of pre-construction sampling due to planned construction activities.