Commercial Diving Services ®
Since 1955


Non Destructive Testing

Our Non Destructive testing instruments are calibration checked prior to each deployment. This ensures accurate measuring information is always obtained for our clients.

Non Destructive Crack Testing

Non destructive testing can be carried out in the wet or dry using our magnetic particle inspection (MPI) UV crack testing system. MPI crack testing involves determining the extent of a crack in ferrous metals which may not be visible to the eye. When the extremities of the crack are located often stop drilling technique is required or other supplementary preventative measures.

Some cracks can extend above the water line requiring the MPI to be deployed above and below the water line and this is achievable using our systems. The identified crack can be documented using photography and/or real time video.

NDT Metal Thickness Gauging

We use the Double Echo underwater diver hand held system. It is a well known and highly regarded system for accurately measuring a metal thickness underwater in digital readout and can be supported with the aid of underwater photography and video.

This system can be used by divers or for deep water and hazardous locations can be adapted to our ROV systems for remote control use very effectively.

Metal thickness measuring is commonly performed to determine the current state of the structure when compared to its original design. Typical structures include the following:

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