Ship Underwater Hull Inspections

Ship Underwater Hull Inspection

Custom ship underwater hull inspections performed by experienced and class certified commercial divers. We provide comprehensive photo and video inspection reports.

Ship Propeller Polishing

Propeller Polishing Blade

Underwater ship propeller polishing using the Scotchbrite 3M system resulting in a fine finish including the supply of before and after photographic report.

Ship Underwater Maintenance

Ship Underwater Maintenance

Ship underwater maintenance for all parts including rope guards, sea chests, doubler plates, bilge keels, gratings, locking nuts, wires and anodes.

Ship Hull Cleaning (HST)

Ship Hull Cleaning Navy Service

Hull Surface Treatment is a patented award winning and environmentally safe ship hull cleaning treatment developed by Commercial Diving Services.

Ship In-Water Class Surveys

Ship In Water Class Survey

Approved ship in-water class surveys for all ship class societies performed by class certified divers. Professionally compiled photo and video reports supplied promptly on completion.

Ship Bio Security

Bio Security HST

Ship bio security inspections for ship hulls and other marine vectors of bio-fouling organisms including hull surface treatment technology applications.

New Zealand Ship MPI Inspections

New Zealand Ship MPI Inspections

New Zealand Ship MPI Inspections for vessels planning to visit New Zealand Ports conducted in accordance with NZ MPI and Craft Risk Management Standards.

Ship Anchor Maintenance

Ship Anchor And Chain Maintenance

Ship anchor and chain maintenance, repairs and inspections. Underwater salvage and recovery for lost or broken ship anchors and chains.