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Commercial Diving Services (CDS)

Commercial Diving Services ®
Since 1955

Seatrade China Awards


Commercial Diving Services Australia are delighted to announce that their multi-award winning HULL SURFACE TREATMENT (HST) technology was nominated and subsequently selected as a finalist in categories of The Environmental Protection Award and The Technical Innovation Award at the SEATRADE CHINA AWARDS 2010, held in Dalian China on 13 October, 2010.

The SEATRADE CHINA AWARDS were introduced with the aim of honouring and celebrating business excellence, best practice and innovation across various sectors of the China Maritime Industry. The Environmental Protection Award recognises new technology and/or significant improvements to existing technology that can reduce or prevent maritime and atmospheric pollution or assist in the clean-up of same AND The Technical Innovation Award recognises a project or product with the potential to significantly improve efficiency of any aspects of ship operations with regard to originality, imagination and perceived practicality of the product.

The panel of esteemed judges included:

  • Dr. Bjorn Kjerfve, President World Maritime University
  • Mr. Zhushi Li, Vice President, China Association of the National Ship Building Industries
  • Mr. Kejun Li, Chairman & President, China Classification Society
  • Mr. Peiting Sun, Professor and Vice President of Dalian Maritime University
  • Mr. Ueda NoBoru, Chairman of IACS Council
  • Mr. Liangzhong Xing, Vice Director, China Ports & Harbours Association

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